How to Tie a Full Windsor Knot

Watch this to learn how to tie a Windsor necktie knot. Tie it like you're the Duke of Windsor.

Here are the steps:
1. Start with the wide end of the tie slightly lower than the thin end.
2. Put the wide end over the thin end.
3. Pull the wide end up under the loop and back over to the same side.
4. Bring the wide end under the knot.
5. Bring the wide end over the loop and back over to the opposite side.
6. Bring the wide end over the front of the knot.
7. Hold the knot in place and bring the wide end under the loop without pulling it tight. You need a new loop in the front of the tie for the next step.
8. Now pull the wide end through the loop between by the last crossover and the rest of the knot.
9. Hold the thin end and push the knot up. Adjust the form of the knot by pulling on the wide end. Now pull down your collar. You're ready to go!

Too short?
If the tie is too short start over with the wide side down lower in the beginning.

Read more: How to tie a tie