OMHET GREEN pre-tied bow tie

In stock
Only 3 left
Light green base with off-white dots
100% woven silk
4 ¾" (12 cm)
2 ⅜" (6 cm)
Neck size
13" - 20 ½" (33 cm - 52 cm)


Consider yourself lucky: you've found a person who wants to share life with you. All of it!.Without knowing how it'll work out! It's a tad nuts when you think of it. But you pulled it off. And on top of that, you've found yourself a smashing beige-brown wedding suit, a white linen pocket square and a creamy rose as boutonniere. The only thing left is the light green bow tie – and now you've found that as well. So, go ahead and take the plunge! You're ready now.